Thank you for making a tribute gift!
A tribute gift is a way to make a contribution to Home Sweet Home while honoring a friend or family member. You can make this type of give “in honor” of a living individual or “in memory” of a person who has passed.
In the fields below, enter the name of the person the gift is in memory or in honor of, then enter a name an address we can send a notification to. After we receive the donation we will prepare a special card to notify the individual of the gift. We never share the amount, but we do share your name! Please remember: you must provide a name AND address for a notification to be sent.
Tribute gift funds are used for any current needs Home Sweet Home may have. All donations are tax-deductible, and our staff and board work extremely hard to ensure every dollar spent fulfills our mission.
For more information, please contact our Development Coordinator Corlena Hall at or 314-448-9838 ext. 111.